Local filmmaker explores trauma


My birthday falls towards the end of August. On the heels of that is Labor Day. And, then that’s officially the end of summer. I can hardly believe it. I know time flies, and life is short, and all of that. But, as another birthday approaches, and another winter isn’t far behind, I find myself reflecting more on things this time of year.

I am reminded that this year is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Many of us remember that day as if it were just yesterday. We remember where we were and how things felt. I remember walking my dog that morning and feeling the weight of silence because no planes were overhead. I remember driving to Indianapolis to work an afternoon shift at the Central Library. I was the only car on I-70 for miles. We all felt that day in ways that only we could.

Looking back on that day, I am overwhelmed with emotion as I recall the trauma that we endured as a country, along with the individual traumas we were all experiencing in our own ways. Trauma affects us all and in ways that are unique to ourselves and our backgrounds. It’s not easy to think about. It’s not easy to talk about. So, how can we even start to heal from it when we just want to push it out of our minds?

Local filmmaker Luke A. Renner has created “What Lies Inside,” a docu-narrative, about healing in the face of trauma.

The film “exposes the darkness that binds us to our suffering and what may set us free,” Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk said. “Through the voice of survivors, this stunning movie powerfully illustrates people’s complex reactions to trauma and their arduous journeys back to health and to being fully alive in the present.”

Dr. Peter A. Levine wrote, “This is a powerful film, a documentary for our troubled times. With honesty and depth, it explores the raw pain of trauma and engages hope for healing in ourselves and in our communities.”

This film is beautiful. It’s important. You need to see it.

And you can do just that on Saturday, Sept. 18, when the library offers the opportunity for our community to come together to meet Luke Renner and be among the first to screen “What Lies Inside.”

Resources will also be available for those dealing with the effects of trauma within themselves or others.

Lynn Hobbs is director of Pendleton Community Public Library.