Garden club talks about birds, fair


LAPEL — The Rural Garden Club of Lapel met recently at the home of Jo Anne Fryback with 13 members attending. Linda Whisman was the co-hostess and brought strawberry shortcake for dessert. Roll call was answered with a garden each person would like to visit. Several people mentioned a quilt garden tour near Shipshewanna, Indiana.

It was reported that the club’s booth will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lapel Village Fair on July 14. A volunteer sign-up sheet was filled.

The meeting program by Barbara Mitchel was about how to attract birds to a backyard. Birds need shelter, food and water. One hint was about making water move in a birdbath. By hanging a plastic two liter bottle with a little hole in it over the birdbath, the water will drip into the birdbath causing water movement that birds like.

Charlene Hummel gave a garden hint for people to provide birdseed to eat if they don’t dead head their flowers.

The meeting was adjourned until next month at the home of Barbara Mitchel.