Volunteer expo is on today


We provide lasting support for causes you care about.

We are well known for the grants we have made to community organizations since 1991. Books, playgrounds, food pantries, field trips and rescue equipment are just a handful of examples of grant-funded projects we all benefit from thanks to foundation grants from the past, and our donors continue to fund great grant projects every year.

In fact, applications are now available for Community and Student Enhancement Grants. Organizations can apply until Sept. 1, with a public announcement of awards planned for Oct. 25. Be sure to share this message with the charities and teachers you know who are working to build a brighter future for our communities.

We’re adding to the ways we support the causes you care about, too. During June and July, we partnered with the curriculum development and community leadership experts at Leadership Academy of Madison County to offer a four-part workshop series, “The Art & Science of Community Leadership.”

Participants had good things to say about the training, which included modules on mission, strategic planning, board basics and fundraising. One organization leader stated it most clearly: “We are better equipped to lead our team forward.”

Now that those teams are better equipped to move forward on their missions to improve their community, we’re co-hosting a Volunteer Expo from 4 to 6 p.m. today (Thursday, Aug. 16) at Gallery 119, the Pendleton Artists Society’s home at 119 W. State St.

The Volunteer Expo is the perfect opportunity to meet the people doing fabulous, interesting community projects and to find your answer to life’s most persistent and urgent question (according to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “What are you doing for others?”

Who should attend the expo? Community-minded citizens interested in connecting and serving our local organizations. People will be able to learn about groups’ missions and volunteer opportunities while networking with the neighbors.

Registration is free and required at www.thelamc.org.

Bowman is executive director of the South Madison Community Foundation.