YMCA of Madison County brings us together


In a time when communities are more divided than ever, YMCA of Madison County is a key resource to bridge gaps, bring people together and strengthen relationships among us, including the youth, adults and seniors who contribute daily to the betterment of our community.

Through “Open Doors,” the YMCA’s scholarship program to community members, the YMCA in Anderson, Elwood and Pendleton have been successful in achieving this goal.

The Y understands the importance of learning from one another and helping all of us to reach our fullest potential.

Here in Madison County, YMCA aims to bring all of us together.

“Open Doors” is a financial assistance platform to make YMCA youth, adult and family programming/memberships affordable for all.

At YMCA, they never turn anyone away because of an inability to pay.

Annual campaign donations allow us to do exactly that.

YMCA is thrilled with the way Open Doors has helped so many members within our community. This is a true representation of how YMCA is working to solidify the “us” that holds us together as a community.

To celebrate the “us” in communities, Madison County YMCA launched its “For a better us” annual campaign in October with a goal of $140,000 to raise.

All annual campaign donations go directly to “Open Door” scholarships and allow the YMCA to never turn any child, senior or family away because of an inability to pay.

To learn more about YMCA of Madison County or to make a donation, visit www.ymcamadco.org/donate.

Mark Springer

Chief Executive Officer, YMCA of Madison County