Library can help you with new gadgets


The year I got a Merlin for Christmas was the same year I was selected to place the Baby Jesus in the manger at midnight Mass.

The priest had briefed me the day before on what to do. He reminded me of what an important job I had, and so I practiced walking down our hallway with a half gallon of milk cradled in my arms. I was completely prepared.

What I was not prepared for was my distraction.

From the priest’s instructions the day before, I knew that I was supposed to appear angelic, and that I was supposed to be thinking about Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Better yet if I was even praying silently to myself as I walked the tiny statue to the altar.

But, when the time came, all I could think about was my brand-new Merlin, which I had just unwrapped a mere hour before.

I was consumed with thoughts of its 10 buttons and the hours of gameplay they would afford. Tic-Tac-Toe, Magic Square, Crack the Code… That’s what I was thinking about as I walked the Baby Jesus down the aisle.

The bottom line is that gadgets are fun.

It’s exciting to unwrap a new Kindle or iPad.

But, if your new toy is a little unfamiliar, the Pendleton Community Public Library can help!

With the library’s Book-A-Librarian service, we can teach you how to use all of your new toys.

Call 765-778-7527 to book a 30-minute one-on-one session where a librarian will help you use your new device.

And, if you happen to have a Merlin, ask for me. I think I still remember how to crack the code.

Lynn Hobbs is director of the Pendleton Community Public Library.

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