County leaders seek input on future


Residents of Madison County have an exciting opportunity before us. The county is embarking on an effort to create a plan that will shape how our area develops in the future.

This process, Forward Madison County, will assess our community today, identify needs and opportunities, and set the direction for growth and development over the next 20 years.

Input from the public is vital to ensure that this plan reflects the community’s needs and vision.

If you care about the future of our communities — things such as how we use land, invest in infrastructure and community amenities, support public safety, and improve our quality of life — we need to hear from you.

Now through June 30, the planning team is conducting a survey that will help to define the plan’s direction.

The survey is being mailed to households throughout the county, or you can complete the survey at

As an incentive, participants will be eligible to win a $300 VISA gift card.

In addition to this public survey, there will be a series of workshops throughout this summer.

Visit to join the email list and receive notifications about these opportunities.

Brad Newman

Director, Madison County Planning

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