Indiana Bulldogs Softball Team


Once upon a time there was a group of 10 stuffed animals that played softball; they were the Indiana Bulldogs.

They had a big tournament coming up. But couldn’t go because of the Coronavirus.

They had worked very hard for this and were very upset. They’ve been practicing all year. They were told that they might not play at all this year!

Panda decided they would make the best of this situation. She got them all together over video and gave the team a pep talk.

They decided they were going to work hard at home until they could play again. Each stuffed animal practiced at home daily.

Then something wonderful happened!

The virus started to clear up and people weren’t getting sick anymore. Stores and restaurants started to open back up.

At last they could finally practice together again. They practiced daily, then Coach Zebra got a call that they could play in the tournament!

The big day had finally come.

Today was the day of the tournament and everyone was nervous. They started the game and the other team was up by 3 points.

It was the last inning and the Bulldogs were up to bat. They tied the game! The bulldogs were then on the field and got the first three girls out that were up to bat. It then went into overtime.

Bulldogs were up to bat and Turtle hit a big hit and got a triple. Then Lion stepped on the plate and hit one to shortstop.

Turtle sprinted home! And the shortstop threw the ball as hard as he could to the catcher.

The catcher slapped his mitt down as soon as he caught the ball, it was a close call but then the umpire yelled, “safe!”

Everyone ran onto the field to give Turtle a hug. The rest of the season they were undefeated!