The important


It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

As I was listening to my friend describe their work situation, I kept trying to find the reason why they were upset.

The goal of the business is to provide a product to their customers that produces the outcomes that the customer desires.

As far as I could discern, none of what they were saying had anything to do with that.

They thought a certain part of the overall process should be called something other than what it was because it wasn’t accurate.

I kept asking myself, “Why is this so important?” There was something else distracting them from the bigger picture.

Paul could see evidence of distraction in the lives of those in the church in Corinth.

They were all bent out of shape about who they were following.

Some were saying, “I follow Paul!” Others, “I follow Apollos!”

He told them they were still trapped in worldly thinking.

He admonished them to grow up. They lost sight of the big picture of the important.

He went on to remind them. God is the capital “I” Important, not us.

His Kingdom is the priority.

God gave us life.

God opened our eyes to our need for Jesus.

God makes us more like Jesus. It’s all about God.

Too many Jesus followers today have been derailed from the main thing.

The results are predictable and sad.

Division. Anger. Fruitlessness.

It’s amazing to me how convinced I can be of the extreme importance of something that simply has no contact point with Jesus and his Kingdom.

Sometimes, I try to imagine a connection and feel quite spiritual in the process.

To which Paul would say, “Grow up!”

Time, energy and resources are so precious.

Let’s not waste any of it on that which will simply not matter when we stand before Jesus one day.

Times of refreshment

Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah.

— Acts 3:1-21

When the last hay bale hit its mark in the withering, dust-filled barn, we took our scratched-up dehydrated selves straight to the water pump.

We pulled up the bright red handle and waited for that wondrously clear and cold water to pour out.

There are few words that capture the impact of that water rushing over our steaming heads and down our parched throats.

Satisfying, for sure.

Restoring, yes.

Life-giving, absolutely.

Without a doubt, it’s one of the most refreshing moments I can remember.

Peter had been used by the Lord to bring about just such a moment to a man who had labored with paralysis his entire life.

He healed him.

A life of begging, a life of unfulfilled dreams ended in a moment as his legs strengthened. He stood up and walked.

Refreshed in a way few others could understand, he jumped and danced and praised God.

All around Peter were countless parched souls. He could see the need for a much deeper refreshment.

Refreshment of the soul hung, and hangs, in the balance of his next words, “Turn away from your sins and turn to God.”

We are all longing for refreshment.

From the moment humanity turned from God, a thirst was unleashed.

One day, Jesus looked into the eyes of a woman at a well who was acutely aware of her need for refreshment and told her he could give her living water. It finally and completely refreshed her dry and weary soul.

God has made refreshment possible for us all. To fully take hold of it, we must walk away from all the impostors, distractions and dark corner behaviors.

We must walk toward the Giver of refreshment, the one who will bring about the final restoration of all things.

Wiles is senior minister of Fall Creek Christian Church in Pendleton. He can be reached at 765-778-3166.