Library remodel patron-driven


We worked with some really great people on your library’s remodel, and we learned how to create spaces that accommodate a wide variety of uses.

For example, some people like to work alone. They like to be by themselves, where it’s quiet, and nobody is immediately around them.

These patrons will enjoy using small meeting rooms where they can shut the door for study space.

Others like to work alone, but with people around them. We often see these patrons sitting at a table in our open areas, and when the weather gets a little warmer, I expect to see them working on the library’s new Wi-Fi patio.

And then there are those who like to sit with other people while working collaboratively or on their own thing. The library has space for them too.

Some patrons like a setup that feels like a home office, sitting at a desk or a table in a comfortable task chair.

Others like to read in a super comfy lounge chair with a place to charge their phone nearby.

Many patrons prefer higher seating in stools, or even a work surface that they can use while standing. If that’s you, we’ve got you covered.

Our goal was to comfortably accommodate every type of worker, learner, reader, collaborator — you name it.

In the end, I think we did a pretty good job of it.

Every day, before I leave work, I make it a habit to walk around the library and see what’s going on.

I am so pleased to see that many of you have already discovered your new favorite place here at the library.

Soon, the library will roll out a reservation system so you can book study and meeting rooms in advance.

Rest assured, there will always be rooms available for first-come, first-serve use. It’s just another way we try to accommodate your needs, whatever they may be.

So, be on the lookout for a new reservation system coming very soon. Oh, and there’s also something very, very cool coming to the library this summer. So, stay tuned because we’re on a roll!

Lynn Hobbs is director of Pendleton Community Public Library.