Pendleton’s porches and preservation


By Sandi Butler | For The Times-Post

PENDLETON — Recently, amidst warm and sunny weather, my husband and I decided to take a drive around Pendleton and surrounding areas. We noticed families and friends gathering on their porches, prompting me to take notice of the abundance of fabulous porches in Pendleton.

Dating back to the mid-1800s and early 1900s, most homes in Pendleton were built during a time when extended family members commonly cohabited.

Porches served as useful additions, expanding living spaces and encouraging togetherness.

Reflecting on my own experiences, sitting on our porch on Parker Hill, I cherish the memories of engaging conversations, enriched by the recollections of my children, parents and grandparents.

Many of Pendleton’s older homes, primarily Carpenter-Built structures, boast side porches that often wrap around to the front.

Our own Pearl Street promotes many of these Carpenter-Built homes that still retain their porches.

Throughout Pendleton, Carpenter-Built homes stand adorned with their original, beautiful porches.

Porches appeared as prominent features during the 19th century, coinciding with evolving home designs.

Pendleton proudly highlights stunning examples of Queen Anne and Eastlake architecture, each adorned with grand porches.

Styles prevalent in the early 1900s, such as Prairie Bungalow and Front Gable Bungalow architecture, further enrich the landscape with these inviting porches.

Given Pendleton’s designation in the National Register of Historic Places, preserving the integrity of our porches is still vital.

When maintaining your porch, it is essential to adhere closely to the original design: Replace columns with the same dimensions and keep the gingerbread trim accordingly.

This month, Historic Fall Creek, Pendleton Settlement proudly presents the Preservation Award to three homeowners whose wonderful porches represents Pendleton’s rich architectural heritage: Robert and Brenda Fullen, 322 Taylor St., whose home is available for short leases; Jennifer Sargent, 118 N. Main St.; and George and Joellen Harris, 215 W. State St.

The Preservation Award recognizes homeowners who have diligently preserved the architectural integrity of their homes.

To learn more about Pendleton’s architecture, our Walking Tour Brochures are available in many of the businesses in Pendleton.

We are also delighted to announce our new web page at

Take a walk, enjoy Pendleton, there is a lot to see.

Sandi Butler is a cofounder and board chairwoman of Historic Fall Creek, Pendleton Settlement Inc., a historical preservation group focused on preserving historic buildings and culture in the area.