Construction begins on Mark Tool and Die addition


MARKLEVILLE — After delays, mostly due to the coronavirus pandemic, work has begun on an expansion to the building owned by Mark Tool and Die, located at 50 W. Main St.

Prior to construction, two rezoning requests had to be approved. One request changed the business’s lot from commercial to industrial. The second changed the addition, which is butted against the current structure, from residential to industrial.

The rezoning requests were approved in February, but work on the project was put on hold amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Markleville Town Council President Daniel Roseberry said Fredericks Inc. Contractors of Pendleton began work on the project at the end of July.

Voting change approved

The council recently approved a change to how residents will be represented by the town council.

The town had been divided into three districts with a member elected from each; now the three council seats are at-large, with members being able to reside anywhere within town boundaries.

The change was first discussed at the May 11 council meeting. Roseberry raised the possibility of making the change from districts to at-large.

He was moving out of his district to one represented by council member Kevin Allen.

Roseberry stepped down as president prior to discussion and voting on the switch. Matt Gustin took over as president during that time.

“Since the change would be benefiting me directly, I didn’t want someone to feel that I was taking advantage. I would have stepped away altogether if needed,” Roseberry said.

Town attorney John Reeder stated at the May 11 meeting that Markleville met the three requirements to make the change. It has a population of less than 1,000; the change is not being made in a council election year; and the council voted unanimously for the change.

All three members won unopposed elections in 2019.

After the change was approved, Gustin stepped down as president, in June, and Roseberry resumed his previous position as president of the council.

Pump panel fixed

The pumps from the Markleville lift station are working again after being out of commission for two days.

The lift station’s control panel caught on fire preventing the pumps to function.

After rebuilding the panel, the pumps, which were not damaged by the fire, were back in service.

The town had to rent two pumps while the panel was being fixed.

“The panel was old and over time wires had corroded,” Roseberry said.

The next meeting of Markleville Town Council is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 10, at Town Hall. Residents can join the meeting online through a link at