Instructional assistant charged with sex crimes


PENDLETON — Pendleton Police Department arrested an instructional assistant who worked at South Madison Community School Corp. on felony sex charges involving a student.

Joseph Carl Patton, 26, Pendleton, was arrested Friday, March 5, on charges of sexual misconduct with minor/statutory rape, and child solicitation, both Level 4 felonies.

Patton was released from Madison County Jail the same day on $20,000 bond.

According to a PPD probable cause affidavit, Pendleton Heights High School Principal Connie Rickert contacted PPD officer Ryan Baker, a district School Resource Officer, on Dec. 29 and told him “a school employee contacted her advising a student reached out and discussed a sexual relationship … with a school employee.”

According to school district information, Patton was an instructional assistant at Pendleton Heights High School as part of the Hamilton Boone Madison Special Services Cooperative.

The probably cause affidavit states related incidents allegedly took place one day in summer 2018 at Patton’s residence; it also stated Patton and the minor had allegedly met and conversed previously on social networking and online dating apps.

The school district sent out a message to parents regarding the arrest, stating, in part, “Safety is our top priority and we take claims of this nature very seriously,” it reads. “The alleged incident took place off school property in 2018. When we learned of this allegation, we immediately removed the instructional assistant from contact with students and have been working closely with the Pendleton Police to support their investigation.

“We encourage parents to discuss with their children appropriate adult behavior and to ask children to notify you and the school administration immediately should they see any signs of inappropriate behavior between a staff member and a student. Our school counselors are available as a resource for students or parents who feel they need support regarding this issue.”