Board chooses officers, accepts attorney retirement


PENDLETON — The South Madison Community School Corp. board of trustees, in keeping with tradition, elected new officers Thursday, Jan. 12, after the board members were sworn in for their new terms.

Outgoing board president and current member Bill Hutton called in an unwritten rule that, every two years, the officers are reshuffled.

Buck Evans was elevated from vice president to president, Amy McGinnis was voted to be the new vice president, Chris Boots will assume the duties of secretary, and Kaye Wolverton will be the new assistant secretary.

One of the first orders of business this year for the board will be to find a new lawyer.

Corporation attorney Joe Kilmer, after swearing in the board members and officers, immediately submitted his retirement, which was accepted by the board.

Hutton could not comment on a possible replacement but said Kilmer would be tough to replace.