Share your ideas for a better community


Each year on Dec. 31, as the clock strikes midnight, people around the world gather to say goodbye to the past and celebrate hope for a bright new future.

As we start the new year, we often make personal commitments aiming to better our lives or take better care of our overall health. The resolutions we set help set the tone for what we want to achieve in the upcoming year.

Imagine for a moment what we could achieve if our resolutions for the new year were turned outward, focusing instead on a bright new future for everyone in the community. What do you see?

Our vision at the South Madison Community Foundation is to build a bright future by investing today in the people and places of South Madison County, while also saving for the unknown challenges and opportunities ahead of us.

We accomplish this using our Bright Future Fund. Contributions to the fund help our community invest in itself, by investing in its’ neighbors, children and future.

The Bright Future Fund is the embodiment of our vision — our community’s way of saying, “We can’t predict the future, but we can plan and prepare for it.”

In 2019, we have an incredible opportunity to maximize our Bright Future efforts and get back more than we give.

A generous donor has stepped up to help us take our efforts to the next level. For every unrestricted dollar that is gifted to the Bright Future Fund, they’ll provide a $2 match.

Imagine the future we could create with such a generous gift!

Here’s the part you’ve been waiting for: We have a challenge for you. Help us build our bright future! We’re looking for best use of the funds being raised, and we need your input.

What are your hopes, dreams and goals for the future of our community? What are our greatest strengths and weaknesses? What challenges or opportunities do you see on our horizon? What community issue would you most like to solve?

If there’s one thing we have going for us in this community, it’s great minds with great ideas! So, let’s hear them! Schedule time to chat with us over a cup of coffee, invite us to your organization’s next meeting or share your ideas via email at [email protected].

Bowman is executive director of South Madison Community Foundation.

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