Pendleton, settled in 1820 and focused on the future!


Pendleton, settled in 1820 and focused on the future!

A few months ago I wrote a letter to the editor of The Times-Post urging the citizens of the historic and unique community of Pendleton to begin making plans to celebrate our bicentennial year 1820-2020.

As nearly as I can tell, only one person read that letter.

And here we are in the second month of that bicentennial.

I have been told there will be a Fourth of July parade this year. Wouldn’t it be great if every business, organization and institution of Pendleton would field a vehicle — convertible, pick-up or wagon — in this parade? And place signage on it entailing the year that group became part of the community!

Next, what if each group would plan some activity for this year stressing our joy at this celebration?

Could you imagine flags unfurled exclaiming “Pendleton 1820-2020,” or yard signs, or exhibits, store windows, dances, a talent show, re-enactments, contest, raffles, communitywide picnic in the park, communitywide church services? All, stressing celebration of the 200 years of the Pendleton settlement and advertised as plans are made so that other groups may also plan to participate and show the POSITIVE side of Pendleton’s true culture.

As for me, it’s “Pendleton, settled in 1820 and focused on the future!”