South Madison Community Foundation opens up grant applications


PENDLETON — The South Madison Community Foundation is accepting grant applications from community organizations and educators.

The grant funds are available for projects designed to create a bright future for the people and places of South Madison County, according to the foundation.

There are two categories of funding available for 2018-19:

Community Enhancement Grants — 501(c)3, tax-supported or educational organizations are eligible to submit a request for funding. Collaboration among community groups is encouraged. Other entities such as private, for-profit, faith-based, grassroots community organizations or service clubs may partner with one or more eligible organizations to propose collaborative programs. Individual grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded.

Student Enhancement Grants — To encourage the long-term well being of students in a safe, nurturing environment filled with social supports and school-wide opportunities, grant funded projects will benefit individuals in South Madison and Lapel schools. Open to all school personnel, the grants are competitive. Collaboration among faculty and/or staff at the grade, department, building or system-wide level is encouraged. The maximum individual grant awarded will be $5,000.

Additional information and detailed instructions are included on grant applications, which can be found at